The Vintage & Military Amateur Radio Society

The VMARS Technical Information Service

SR-A41 No.1 & 2


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SR A41 was developed for radio communication with infantry and liaison to B47 sets in supporting armoured vehicles. It was introduced in the late '50s and replaced Wireless Set No. 31. The frequency coverage is 38-55 MHz in 171 channels with 100 kHz spacing. The RF output is approximately 0.75 watt.

Description and photo courtesy of Louis Meulstee 




On-screen viewing

A4 printable

Full manuals

 #726 EMER F482 (Technical description) Part 1

#727 EMER F482 (Technical description) Part 2

#72 EMER F483 (Unit repairs) 

#73 EMER F484 (Field/Base Repairs)

 #74 Station Radio A41 No.1 and No.2 - Inspection Standards

#725 Station Radio A41 No.1 and No.2 - Data Summary

#1630 Radio Station A40 Type 'A' Manpack/Ground Complete Station Z1/5820-99-117-8926

# 1691 Station Radio, A41, Manpack/Ground Z1/5820-99-117-8928

#1692 Station Radio, A41, No.1 and No.2. Technical Handbook - Miscellaneous Instruction. Amplifier, Intermediate Frequency (Z1/5820-99-949-0129)